Nikolai Gumilev
Nikolai Gumilev. Before 1917. Photo by Karl Bulla. Source: Wikimedia (CC0).
Nikolai Gumilev

Nikolai Gumilev

Collected Works
Nikolai Gumilev. Sobranie sochinenii v 4 tomakh. Ed. by Viacheslav Zavalishin. Regensburg: Posev, 1947.

Collected Works

Nikolai Gumilev. Sobranie sochinenii v 4 tomakh. Ed. by Viacheslav Zavalishin. Regensburg: Posev, 1947.
Unpublished Gumilev
Neizdannyi Gumilev. Ed., with an introduction and commentary, by Gleb Struve. New York: Chekhov Publishing House, 1952.

Unpublished Gumilev

Neizdannyi Gumilev. Ed., with an introduction and commentary, by Gleb Struve. New York: Chekhov Publishing House, 1952.
Selected Poems
Nikolai Gumilev. Izbrannoe. Ed., with an introduction by Nikolai Otsup. Paris: Librairie des Cinq Continents, 1959.

Selected Poems

Nikolai Gumilev. Izbrannoe. Ed., with an introduction by Nikolai Otsup. Paris: Librairie des Cinq Continents, 1959.
Collected Works
Nikolai Gumilev. Sobranie sochinenii. In 4 Vols. Edited by G.P. Struve and B.A. Filippov. Washington D.C: Victor Kamkin, 1962-1968.

Collected Works

Nikolai Gumilev. Sobranie sochinenii. In 4 Vols. Edited by G.P. Struve and B.A. Filippov. Washington D.C: Victor Kamkin, 1962-1968.
Unpublished and Uncollected
Nikolai Gumilev. Neizdannoe i nesobrannoe. Ed., with a commentary by M. Basker and Sh. Greem. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1986.

Unpublished and Uncollected

Nikolai Gumilev. Neizdannoe i nesobrannoe. Ed., with a commentary by M. Basker and Sh. Greem. Paris: YMCA-Press, 1986.