I. Ivanov [Andrei Remezov]. Est’ li zhizn’ na Marse? [Is There Life on Mars?]. Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1961.
Abram Terts. Lubimow [Lubimov]. Tr. into Polish by Józef Łobodowski. Paris: The Literary Institute, 1963.
Abram Terts. Opowieści Fantastyczne [Fantastic Stories]. Tr. into Polish by Józef Łobodowski and Stefan Bergholz. Paris: The Literary Institute, 1961.
Abram Terts. Myśli Niespodziewane [Thoughts Unaware]. Tr. into Polish by Józef Łobodowski. Paris: The Literary Institute, 1965.
Abram Terts. Sąd Idzie! Stenogram z procesu A. Siniawskiego i J. Daniela (A Terca i M. Arżaka) [The Court is in Session! Stenographic record of the A. Sinyavsky and J. Daniel trial (A. Terts and M. Arżak) Moscow, July 1966]. Introduction by Hélène Zamoyska. From the series Dokumenty. Paris: The Literary Institute, 1966.
Abram Terts. Sąd Idzie; Co to jest realizm socjalistyczny? [The Court Is in Session; What Is Socialist Realism?]. Tr. into Polish by Józef Łobodowski with an introduction by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński. Paris: The Literary Institute, 1959.